Sunday Write-ins
Every Sunday Wordsmiths meet to use the magic of coworking and get words on the page.
Time: 3:00 — 7:00 pm
Place: Cafe de Luna
3952 E 42nd St ste S, Odessa, TX 79762
(located in the shopping center across the street from Target)
Wordsmith Workshop
The first Saturday of every month, Wordsmiths meet to workshop. Bring 10 pages of your work to be critiqued or bring your ideas and bounce them around for input and feedback.
Time: 12 pm
Place: Odessa College Learning Resource Center/Murry H Fly Library Odessa College
Click here to see the guidelines and rules for Wordsmith Workshop.
You must sign up for Wordsmith Workshop in order for your fellow Wordsmiths to know how many copies of their manuscript to bring.